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Living Worlds Considered Harmful

A Response to the Documentation of the Living Worlds Working Group


The Livings Worlds Initiative is the work of a small but dedicated group of VRML developers who have a deep interest in extending VRML into the basis for interconnected virtual worlds. This project has been inextricably bound to a very effective public relations campaign and standards setting effort. The project is still in development, but is already being promoted as an industry standard for virtual worlds.

The Living Worlds Working Group has been signing up a large number of companies as supporters of the effort, including IBM and Apple. What is not clear to most observers is that support means nothing more than agreeing that standards are desirable.

Within the industry, there is common misunderstanding of what support for Living Worlds means, even among the supporters. The result is that support for a Livings Worlds Standard is starting to snowball. It is being regarded as a proposed standard, but it has not had to face any sort of rigorous review. The purpose of this response is to begin the belated review of the Living Worlds Documentation as a proposed standard.

Premature Standardization

There is a growing list of companies that are developing VRML-based virtual worlds. The sector is attracting a lot of attention. Even so, most of the social activity on the Internet today is in IRC and the chat rooms of AOL. The most successfully socialized avatar worlds are WorldsAway and The Palace, neither of which are VRML-based. The VRML worlds have seen a lot of churn, but are not creating significant sustaining communities.

The weakness of community formation in many of the VRML worlds may be the result of the newness of the worlds and the inexperience of the world designers, who have hampered themselves by putting 3D graphics ahead of socialization.

It is too early to be standardizing 3D social architecture. More experimentation is required. If the Living Worlds Initiative is an experiment conducted by a group of cooperating companies, then it is a good thing. If it is a standard-setting activity, then it is premature and harmful.

The operation of 3D worlds has not been shown to be a profitable activity. The business model is driven by affection for Neal Stephenson's satiric cyberpunk novel, Snow Crash. Snow Crash describes a virtual world called the Metaverse. Some day, we may have a real Metaverse, and it might even be as important in our world as it was in the novel.

Living Worlds does not implement the Metaverse. It only makes something that looks like it, a meta-virtual world.

VRML itself is still new. VRML 2.0 was announced at Siggraph 96, and complete implementations are only now coming on line. The VRML 2.0 initiative was as frenzied as the Living Worlds Initiative, and because of the haste, the result was suboptimal. A consequence is that part of the Living Worlds Initiative contains some workarounds for VRML 2.0 limitations.


The word "security" does not occur in the Living Worlds Documentation except to point out a security hole in VRML 2.0. The lack of attention to security by the Living Worlds Working Group is not a problem if the Initiative is viewed as an experiment. One of the benefits of the experiment will be to demonstrate why security is critical in the design of distributed systems. If the Living Worlds Initiative is setting a standard, then it is harmful.

Security is a very complicated and subtle subject. Absolute security is never achievable, but diligent design and application can produce systems which are worthy of trust.

The Living Worlds Documentation identifies three issues in which distributed security is critical.

  1. handle everything via dynamically downloaded Java applets
  2. protect the local scene from damage by imported objects
  3. support authentication certificates (dice, business cards)

The Documentation does not adequately address any of those issues.

Lacking security at the lowest levels, Living Worlds is not strong enough to offer a credible trust model at the human-interaction level. In systems which can be hacked, concepts like identity, credentials, and accountability are meaningless.

This severely limits the application scope of Living Worlds. Environments which permit interpersonal commerce or confidential collaboration should not be implemented in Living Worlds.

Secure software distribution

Software is the lifeblood of virtual communities. The value and diversity of these systems depend on the ability to dynamically load and execute software from the network. Unfortunately, this raises a huge security concern. Software from the network could contain viruses, trojan horses, and other security threats. Because of the dynamic and interconnected nature of virtual communities, the protection mechanisms provided by Java are not adequate.

The Living Worlds Documentation notes that present, most systems prohibit Java from accessing local files, which makes it impossible, for example, to connect to locally installed third party software features. Until this problem is generically solved by the Java community, the management of downloads and local access are left to proprietary MUtech solutions.

The proprietary MUtech solutions will create a security hole, and possibly compromise the goal of interoperability at the same time. In order for the dynamic, distributed virtual community to be viable, the issue of secure software distribution must be solved from the outset. Class signing is not a solution. A secure, distributed architecture is required. It is doubtful that credible security mechanisms can be retrofitted later.

Protect the local scene

Related to the problem of software distribution is the question of rights granted to objects. Objects that are valued in some places might be obnoxious or dangerous in others. The Living Worlds Documentation describes an incontinent puppy as an example of such an object. A secure architecture needs to deal with these sorts of issues from the outset. The Living Worlds Documentation identifies the problem, but does not solve it.


The Living Worlds Documentation calls for the use of authentication certificates as a mechanism for assuring confidence in certain objects. Unfortunately, if the architecture is not secure, there is not a reliable context in which certificates can be trusted. Because Living Worlds is hackable, certified objects can be compromised.


Communities need tools with which they can create policies to regulate the social order. Different communities will have different needs, conventions, standards. The Living Worlds Documentation says this about the task of designing those tools:

    Two things seem clear. First, that designing a persuasively complete infrastructure for managing user rights, roles and rules is an essentially open-ended task. Second that building a simple, open-ended framework for the same domain can probably be completed with very little effort.

Unfortunately, the Working Group does not adequately understand the issues involved. They will create a tool based on a limited understanding of the problem, attempt to drive it into a standard, and leave to others the social and administrative headaches it will cause.

    This general strategy applies to the rest of the Living Worlds effort as well. Our goal is to reach quick consensus on a minimal subset, and then to encourage the rapid creation of several reference implementations of that proposed feature set. Refinement of the concepts can then proceed in an atmosphere usefully disciplined by implementation experience.

Problems of this kind cannot be solved by refinement.


If the Living Worlds Documentation were just the work in progress of a working group, then it is appropriate that they publish their materials on the net for comment by interested parties, and it would be absurd to point out that the work is unfinished. But because it is also being presented publicly as a networking standard, and because the Living Worlds Working Group has already begun the work of standard setting, the Documentation needs to be tested for its fitness as a standard.

If the Living Worlds Documentation is read as a proposed standard, then it should be rejected out-of-hand, simply because it is incomplete. In its present form, the Living Worlds Documentation is not even complete enough to criticize.


The Living Worlds Working Group selected a set of principles to guide the development process. Membership in the working group is open to anyone who can accept the principles. This is a reasonable way for a working group to define itself. Unfortunately, the principles of the Working Group are problematic for a standards body. While the Living World Documentation is not complete enough to criticize, the principles and basic architecture can be criticized.

  1. Build on VRML 2.0.

    Use VRML 2.0 would have been a better first principle. By Building on VRML 2.0, the Working Group is hoping to work some or all of the Livings Worlds work into the VRML 3.0 standard, thereby increasing the importance of the Living Worlds Standard.

    This component-oriented principle led the Working Group to put the display processor in the center of a distributed architecture, ignoring decades of experience in the separation of I/O from other computational goals.

    Fortunately, the recent moderating influence of the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory (MERL) has opened the Living Worlds Working Group to the possibility of other presentation models. Unfortunately, the Living Worlds Architecture is already fixed on a set of unwieldy interfaces which were motivated by a VRML-centric design space.

  2. Standards, not designs.

    The second principle is intended to give implementers a large amount of leeway in realizing the standard. The amount of leeway is so great that it might not be possible for independent implementations to interoperate with implementations developed by the Working Group. Since that is specifically what a standard is supposed to accomplish, the second principle is self-defeating.

    The other benefit of the second principle to the Working Group is to provide an expedient method of dealing with disputes. When the members of the Working Group do not agree on an architectural point, they agree to disagree and leave the choice to the implementer. Sometimes the reason they do not agree is because they were confronting an essential, hard problem.

  3. Architectural Agnosticism.

    The third principle concerns the question of centralized (server-based) or decentralized (distributed) architecture. Centralized social networking systems often suffer from performance problems because the server can become a bottleneck. The Working Group therefore wants to keep the option of decentralization open:

      As it happens, all of the LW initiators have based their solutions on architectures that exploit a central server. But enabling innovation requires that the standard not prejudge the question of how functionality is physically distributed.

    A centralized architecture cannot be transformed into a decentralized architecture simply by being vague about the role of the server. Decentralized design requires the solution of a large number of hard problems, particularly problems of security. An insecure architecture can facilitate the victimization of avatar owners by miscreants. Insecurity will also limit the architecture to supporting only limited interactions, such as chat. Higher value services like cooperative work and interpersonal commerce require a secure platform. Such a platform is not a goal or result of the Living Worlds Initiative.

    Because the third principle does not explicitly call for the solution to the problems of secure decentralization, it is self-defeating, resulting in an implementations which are either insecure or devoutly centralist or both.

  4. Respect the role of the market.

    In the fourth principle, the Working Group chooses this unfortunate non-goal:

      The goal is not to design the best imaginable system, but to give component and application developers a way to combine their best efforts, so that more VRML worlds will get built faster, so that we can begin to build up the base of user experience from which we will eventually learn what this technology is good for. Time-to-market is of the essence in this process.

    The process does not pay adequate attention to the consequences of the design. The goal of the Working Group is to establish a standard early, relying on iteration in the maintenance of the standard to make it, if not the best imaginable, then good enough for commercial use. The process is not forward-looking enough to provide confidence that the standard can be corrected later. Significant architectural features, such as security, are extremely difficult to insert compatibly into existing systems.

  5. Require running code.

    The fifth principle appears to be the most respectable, but when coupled with the urgency and recklessness of the fourth principle, it becomes the most dangerous.

    A standards development process that requires demonstration of new techniques before incorporating them into the standard can be a very good thing because it provides assurance that the standard is implementable. It can also provide early evidence of the utility of the new techniques.

    But if such a process is driven by extreme time pressure, as the Living Worlds Working Group is, then the fifth principle has a terrible result: only ideas with quick and dirty implementations can be considered. The Working Group will finish its work before hard problems can be understood and real solutions can be produced.

    So, by principle, the Working Group is open, but not to good ideas that will require time and effort to realize.


The software industry sometimes observes that its problems are due to not having standards, or to having too many standards. Often, its problems are due to having standards that are not good enough.

Premature standardization in the area of virtual worlds will not assure success.

The Living Worlds Initiative is a model for cooperative research, and as such it should be encouraged. The Working Group is using the net to create a virtual community of software developers working together on a common project. This is very good.

Unfortunately, the Living Worlds Initiative is also a standards-setting initiative, building on the momentum of the recent VRML 2.0 standard. It would be harmful to adopt the Living Worlds Initiative as a standard at this time.